So recently, I spent a couple of days in the hospital. I was released yesterday morning and I'm basically on bed rest and I'm still on a bunch of medicine. I had a severe asthma attack Thursday night and I'm still not completely better but I'm doing a lot better than I was. I was suppose to leave for Chattanooga Saturday to go to Campus Outreach New Years Conference. At first I was very upset that I couldn't go because I was in the hospital. I thought this is stupid I can't go because my lungs aren't letting me breathe. But through a lot of prayer and texts from my friends. I realized if I was meant to go I would have. God has a plan and It's not always our plan. I thought that going to NYC was what God wanted and I was upset that I couldn't go. I think that all of this though was kind of like God giving me a wake up call. I've been dealing with my asthma a lot over the past few months and I never really gave myself time to fully recover. I just thought If I take my medicine and keep doing everything I was doing before it will just go away, but that wasn't the case. I was trying to make my plan God's plan but that's not how God works. We have no control over our lives God is in control. I believe through this experience God was trying to tell me to take care of myself, to stop trying to do everything on my own, to ask God for help and rely on Him for my strength. If I trust in Him everything will work out. I shouldn't stress over the things I can't control. Right now, although it makes me sad I'm not a NYC, I need to make sure I'm taking care of myself. I need to slow down and make sure my priorities are straight. I need to make sure I'm giving my life to Christ and not trying to make my plan His plan. We as humans get caught up way to often if the everyday life of school, work, family, etc. We try to control our own lives, we forget all the time that our live is not our own. We are here to bring glory to God, and spread His word. But in order to do that we need to make sure we are taking care of our own relationship with God and growing in that relationship. We need to surround ourselves with people who are going to point us to Christ. So I guess What I'm trying to say is that over the past few months I was trying to control my life and do everything on my own, when what I really needed is God. I need to put Him first and stop trying to do everything on my own. Well I'm going to get back to Sudoku, movies and breathing treatments. I hope all of you have a great New Year!
-Heather Marie
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