Saturday, November 16, 2013

Being a redheads find other redheads attractive?

So it's been almost a year since I posted my first blog, and I realized I'm not a very good blogger considering that's the only blog I've posted. I really do want to start blogging more. Today I picked a subject that is very close to me. Being a redhead. Do redheads find other redheads attractive? It's the lingering question I've been asked a thousand times. For me, yes. If a guy is attractive and he has red hair that makes me even more attracted to him. Now I know what your thinking, most redheads try to steer clear of other redheads but I have a theory. I think the reason I find other redheads attractive is because I think that's one of my best characteristics. If you asked me what I liked most about my appearance it would be my red hair and freckles. I even use low SPF sunscreen in the summer so my freckles will pop even more. I think since that's a characteristic I admire in myself I find it attractive on other people. I embrace being a redhead and I think most redheads don't. If you don't like something about yourself you're probably not going to like it on someone else. If someone asked you want you most liked about your personality and you said being able to talk to anyone, then you would probably find some one who is a easy talker more attractive. I hope that makes since to you. It makes since to me. Also it makes it easier to explain why a ginger like myself would find another ginger attractive. One day I hope to have a family full of gingers, like the Weasley family. Also, I think you should embrace who you are. God created you and he created you the way He wanted, and you are perfect the way you are. Once you start to love who you are you will start to enjoy life more. I use to hate my red hair because I got bullied as a child and I wanted to dye it so many times, but my mom would never let me. I'm so glad that she never let me dye it because now I love it. It makes me unique and it's a part of who I am. On that note though, Just because it's a part of who I am it's not all I am.